Key Features
Meet our Bar replay indicator. The ONLY indicator for Ninjatrader which makes backtesting fun again

True bar replay & backtesting
Quick skip to next or previous bar, open and close trades and get realtime insights on your trading results

Easy order panel toolbar
Quickly skip to next previous bars and place orders

Multi time frame and multi charts
Backtest multiple timeframes and charts simultaneously

Loading & Saving trades to disk
Using our drop-down menu you can load & save your trades to disk. This allows you to do some backtesting, save your trades and then continue where you left on the next day by simple loading your trades from disk again
TDU Bar replay Indicator
Like they say. practice makes perfect and the bar replay indicator is perfect for practicing. When compared with NinjaTrader market replay it's so much faster and easier to use that practicing becomes fun to do. You will improve your entries and exits, and gain more screentime and experience with every practice session you do.
Features and Settings
The bar replay indicator offers various settings which you can change to your liking. You can see all the settings in the screenshot to the right.
You can:
- choose to show or hide any of the trade metrics
- enter the coordinates where the trade statistics panel should be shown
- choose where you want to dock the order panel
- choose how wide the chart trader should be
- setup the initial stop loss & target (both in ticks)
- set up the commissions you normally pay to your broker for a single trade

Order Panel
The order panel is very minimal but very user-friendly which allows you to quickly:
- open and close trades and add on to trades
- specify the number of contracts to trade
- advance to the next bar with the > button
- fast forward x bars (user-defined) with the >> button
- go back 1 bar with the < button
- fast backward x bars (user-defined) with the << button
-goto specific time
-Buy/sell on bar close
- Buy/Sell chart which allows you to set limit/stop orders
Using these buttons you can quickly advance from one bar to the next bar and open or close trades as you would normally trade.
Trade Statistics
The trade statistics will show you the cumulative trading result from all your trades.
Every time you make a trade the trade statistics window will update and show your performance. All essential metrics like winners, losers, win ratio, profit factor, and drawdown are displayed and updated instantly. This way you get perfect insights into your performance and if you have found that edge in the market.

Display each trade individually
Besides showing all the cumulative results from all your trades, we also display each trade individually. For each trade the indicator can show:
- your target in ticks, dollars, and risk/reward
- stop loss in ticks and dollars
- number of contracts traded
- whether the trade was a winner or a loser
Of course, all metrics will be updated in real-time while trading, and within the settings, you can turn on/off each of these metrics in case you want to hide some of these numbers.
Loading & saving trades
Using our dropdown menu you can quickly change any important indicator settings and save your work to disk. That way you can continue your backtesting at another time by just loading in your saved trades and continuing where you left

Feature list
- The only bar-by-bar replay indicator available for NinjaTrader 8
- Manually practice and test your trading strategies
- Back test multiple charts with multiple timeframes and bar types simultaneously
- Place trades using our custom order panel
- Allows you to add on to trades
- Buy/Sell close (+/- user-defined number of ticks)
- Buy/Sell on the chart (stop/limit orders)
- Fast forward / backward x bars
- Fast forward / backward to a specific time
- set number of contracts to trade
- add to existing trades (scalp + runners)
- Realtime trading statistics on your trading performance
- Load/Save trades from/to disk
- the user-friendly dropdown menu to quickly change any indicator setting
- Works on any timeframe, market- and bar type
- Works with any NinjaTrader version
Change log
12-may-june v1.0.0.13
- added buy up/ sell down buttons to order panel
- added option to show equity curve of your backtesting results
22-may-2023 v1.0.0.11
- fixed issue that one could not change the time in the bottom panel
17-may-2023 v1.0.0.10
- fixed issue that dropdown menu appeared multiple times in chart menu after saving workspace and reloading ninjatrader
7 jan 2023 v1.0.0.8
- new: added support for backtesting multiple charts & timeframes
7 jan 2023 v1.0.0.7
- fixed problem that sometimes trade did not get opened
15 dec 2022 v1.0.0.6
- added option to extend the current bar a bit so you can bar-replay footprint charts
23 October 2022 v1.0.0.4
- small fixes
16 October 2022 v1.0.0.3
- added option to add to trades
- added option to buy/sell +/- x ticks above/below previous candle
- added option to buy/sell on the chart (limit/stop orders)
- added option to goto to a specific time
- added option to specify # of contracts to trade
10 October 2022 v1.0.0.1
- initial release
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