Market Strength Correlation

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  • Regular price $169.00
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1. Overview

This unique indicator shows you how strong each market is compared to 5 other markets.  It measures the strength of each market and shows a graph of how much each market has risen or fallen (in %)

This allows you to quickly see which markets are strong, and which are weak. Which markets are trending and which markets are ranging? This information can then be used to trade only the markets which are strong and trending and skip the slow-moving ranging markets


In the screenshot above you can see that CL was trending on this particular day and that would be a perfect market to trade. On the contrary, GC was slowly moving and ranging and traders would better skip trading that market and focus more on the trending ones (CL and RTY)

You can choose up to 6 different markets, set their chart labels and colors


2. Settings

The settings for this indicator are pretty simple. You just need to define which 6 markets you want to show (Market #1-Market 6) and which label they should have on the chart (Market #1 Name - Market #6 Name)

3. Features

  • Shows market correlation of up to 6 user-defined markets
  • Quickly identify trending and ranging markets
  • Supports Bloodhound/BlackBird/Strategy builder
  • Futures, Forex, Crypto, Stock, Options
  • Works with any bar time, bar type
  • Works on any timeframe
  • Works with any NinjaTrader license

4. Changelog

18 march 2023 - version

  • fixed issues with ninjatrader

18 October 2022 - version

  • fixed hangup

10 June 2021 - version

  • first release



